I really like how Scarlett's hair color came out. Oh, colored pencils... I had to mix several to get the right shade. FYI, crossbows are really hard to draw.
Ah, Heather, my villain, came out perfectly. This is exactly how I picture her looking. It's kind of funny, I had started drawing this intending to draw one of the male characters, but it came out as Heather. And somehow, she also decided to have glasses... Anyway, here's one more drawing- Alicia, Scarlett's best friend.
If you want to see more, check out my Deviant Art account. Anyway, I'm at work right now (which basically involves me being paid to sit at a desk for three hours doing nothing), so I've decided to make a list. This idea came to me the other day when I was watching
Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (you know, the one with Brandy in it) with some friends.
Things I've Learned From Musicals
1. You know you've found your true love when you start singing and some random stranger starts singing in harmony with you.
2. Black + White = Asian.
3. Gang wars can be fought using snaps and dance.
4. If you don't want anyone to hear what you're saying, start singing.
5. The underdog always wins.
6. You can't stop the beat.
7. When the background music starts speeding up, trouble's coming.
8. Falling in love with love is falling for make believe.
9. Humans taste better than cats.
10. Anyone who wears a cloak is not what they appear to be.
11. Any game can be won if you dance through it.
12. Everyone loves a good jazz square.
13. Anyone who has their own leitmotif is important.
14. Men who can dance are sexy.
15. A white, 5-foot-9 junior is the best high school basketball player in the state of New Mexico. (This one was shamelessly yoinked from here.)
16. Singing is an acceptable alternative to sex.
17. Anything directed by Tim Burton can be referenced to Harry Potter.
18. All animals can sing and dance if they so choose.
19. Don't ever feed plants.
20. "Yellow" is not an acceptable hair color.
Well I shall leave you with that for now. This list will most likely be added on to next time I'm bored.
So, Mary/Luna, I love your list of things you learned from musicals.
Especially these:
2. Black + White = Asian.
9. Humans taste better than cats.
17. Anything directed by Tim Burton can be referenced to Harry Potter.
20. "Yellow" is not an acceptable hair color
But what is this one from?
16. Singing is an acceptable alternative to sex.
~Mrs. Lovett/Hermione/Ginny
Part of it comes from Bollywood, the other part teasing Disney. Hormonal teens in love + alone in a bedroom = singing? I don't think so. ;^)
LOVED your musical list. And since I also love musicals I know that love is the end all be all - the goal, the prize... the motivator for song! And too true about the jazz square - it even trumps the grapevine.
Your sketches are awesome.
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