As to what I've been up to with my efforts to lengthen the book, I'm actually making a lot of progress. Well "a lot" is optimistic, but still, I'm getting there. I actually skipped ahead and wrote a scene that was pretty steamy... which reminds me- I've finally done it. I lost all self-control and wrote in a character named James. It's my favorite guy name and it always happens, no matter what I do. *sigh* Wait? What did you think I was going to say I'd done? Haha, pervert... ^_^
Anyway, I have a new project in the works, inspired in equal parts by Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Meg Cabot, Evernight, and this picture:
by Jason Chan
Amazing, right? Poor kids... they're doomed. I've actually had a rousing debate with my friends about whether or not there's a fifth kid in the picture. See, if you look between Bat Boy and Slingshot Girl, it looks like there might me a kid in a hoodie... or another zombie, which means Game Over for the kids. I personally think that it's another kid, because that looks awfully like the back of someone. If it was a zombie, why would it be facing away from its prey?
Back to the story, it's called Scarlett, and since I love to make cover art for my stuff (it helps inspire me during the actual writing), I'll leave you with this:

Photo taken by Faerie Girl ( and used for my amusement/inspiration and gleans no profit.
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