So what fresh drama has entered my life? Plagiarism. Seriously- some fourteen-year-old on lifted a Twilight fanfic that I had posted two years ago. Needless to say, I was quite miffed. Naturally, I sent an e-mail to the admin, and upon further investigation, I discovered that this chick had stolen another author's story as well.
Unfortunately, I couldn't resist posting a snarky review of the story that jacked, which must have tipped her off. She deleted my story, the other person's, as well as two others that I guess she stole as well. As it is, this chick has screwed with the wrong writer, and I'm keeping an eye out for any new stories that she posts. If I get so much as a whiff of plagiarism, her ass is getting banned. This time, with no prior warning.
It's not like I'm determined to catch this usurper (though to be honest, I am), it's just that she has no right to steal what other people have written. Some of you are probably wondering, "Hey, isn't that what fanfiction is?"
In fanfiction, we do not claim the original author's stuff for our own. In fact, a lot of fandoms require their authors to include disclaimers that state that the characters, etc. featured in the story belong to whoever it is that created them. But for someone to plagiarize fanfiction? That's just low. We fanfic writers have an unwritten honor code that this chick broke to pieces. Also, I couldn't help but notice that she was a total noob. She had only joined the site this month, and the people that she had stolen from had been on the site for years (I joined in 2003, I believe). She also had an obnoxiously long profile, a definite sign of noobishness.
Happy Holidays!
2 months ago