If you would like to order a copy of my book, you can click on the buttons below and in the sidebar. To buy a print copy, click on the book button. To download a copy (in pdf ebook form), click on the headphone button. This is consolidated in my storefront located at the bottom of the page as well. A paperback copy is $6.23, and you can also download a copy for free. I will not receive any profit (the cost is for production), but if you'd like a copy to read, feel free to make a purchase.
OH MY GOSH, I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please excuse my outburst, but it's the truth. So um... that's pretty much all I have to say right now, because I'm too hyperactive at the present to make myself write anything relevant to what I promised to post.
Oh! Here's the back cover, which took me FOREVER to finally decide upon.
You can also see a lovely preview here as well, which shows the dedication and a summary that includes another excerpt from later on in the book. By the way, I actually dedicated the book to Tizon. His death came around the same time that I was getting much of it written, and it seemed like the right thing to do.
Ok, I'm sad now. *sigh*
Next time on MPBwtUaCOLT: Why... (really, this time)
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